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    Szakirányú továbbképzések

    Változatos képzéseket kínálunk diplomásoknak is!

    Jelentkezni lehet 2025. augusztus 15-ig!


Dean's Welcome

dr. Kovács Mária dékán

The Faculty of Arts was established in the 1992/1993 academic year at the University of Miskolc, promoting the ambition of the University to broaden its range of disciplines.

In the first academic year tuition started with two classes with students from the Association of Arts in Miskolc. The institute format proved to be too limiting already at the start, so the institute management applied to promote it to a faculty status as soon as possible. In 1997 the application was successful, and the Faculty became a fully-fledged member of the university.

Teaching and researching Arts, Social Sciences and Teacher Training has a history of more than a quarter of a century at the university. Although we are one of the younger faculties, our achievements speak for themselves. The initial few university and two college courses has been expanded since the introduction of the Bologna system. The Faculty now has 11 BA courses, 18 MA courses, 22 double major teacher training courses and several postgraduate training courses, and students wishing to continue their studies at an even higher level can obtain a PhD at our Doctoral School of Literary Studies.

For years national surveys have shown that we are on the right track. We are among the best regarding both the educators’ level of qualification and student satisfaction. Of the approximately thirty institutions which offer Arts courses only a few long-established universities (ELTE, University of Debrecen, University of Szeged) rank higher than the Faculty of Arts at the University of Miskolc. This is further proven by the fact that nearly 90% of the students participating in an anonymous survey said that they would choose the Faculty of Arts at the University of Miskolc again, even if they had a chance to go to another university.

It also imposes responsibility on the Faculty’s management and lecturers. It is only the high quality of education and research, the increasing integration of students into academic life, and the informal atmosphere of mutual respect that can inspire our students to spread the good reputation of our Faculty in- and outside the country. With their Arts, Social Sciences or Teaching degrees in their hands, good communication skills and reliable foreign language competence, our students can earn a good living, get good jobs and – more importantly – work in fields which they are interested in.

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Miskolc provides up-to-date, applicable knowledge for the people of the 21st century. The ever- widening range of courses include all the disciplines belonging to Arts and Social Sciences in the classical sense, but there are also several Teacher Training courses, the Special Education course has just been introduced. The list of courses is always becoming longer. We provide practice-oriented, practicable knowledge, which is an invaluable asset in today’s accelerated world, for every student at our Faculty.

The heads of our Faculty, our educators and students all believe that our traditional greeting does not only determine our past and present, but also our future:


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